Thursday, January 31, 2013

kid president

"i think we all need a pep talk"

I saw this video here.
What will be your space jam?

a perfect puppy

To say this week has been a little rough would be an understatement.  But even when times are tough there is always something good to be seen.  And the new addition to the family (or Jordan's family) is quite the little blessing.  Everyone, meet Boschee:
The first day he was so frightened that he could barely move.  But I think he has warmed up to us.  Today he was a bouncing bundle of joy, literally.  He can't seem to go anywhere unless he is pouncing (and occasionally stumbling).  The only one in the family who isn't so happy with the new addition is Shiloh.  When we first brought him home she was VERY jealous.  Now I think she just gets annoyed - - if only I could tell what she was thinking. 
I wish he could stay this small forever.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

first and last

The week has been the first in my last semester of college.  scary.  The teachers wasted no time assigning reading, projects, exam dates, and clinical hours.  I will being completing high acuity (ICU) and community health (homeless shelters) clinicals this semester.  All this work is not overwhelming me as much as it usually would, though, because I can see the light at the end of the tunnel *only have class two days a week helps too*

Silly me, but I thought real jobs started after graduation.  Nope, not true.  When you're in nursing they start in January.... JANUARY!  Yes, positions are being posted and that means my resume needs to be tidied up and sent in within the next 2 weeks!! Ahhhh.... better get to work