Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Well, next week is springbreak.  Most people in high school and college will be making their way to somewhere warm where they will flaunt their new bikinis and drink some really delicious margaritas.  My little sister will be traveling to Cancun.  Some friends from school will be going to Panama City.  And where will I be you ask?  Right here... at home... working.  fun right?  I have actually never been away for springbreak.  This is really quite the accomplishment considering that most college students make it away almost every year.  Sure the sandy beaches would feel great, but better than working at the hospital all day next week?  yea, yea, I wish I was going.  But considering I am about to graduate, put on my big girl panties, and get a real job-- next year I will be able to afford to go somewhere fabulous!  So next week while my sister is sunbathing down in Mexico I will just remind myself of the light at the end of the tunnel.

Next year, who knows where I will be...

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