Saturday, March 9, 2013

the countdown is on!!!

Four months today I will be returning to one of my favorite places :)  Ever since I was 13 I have been going to Guatemala with one of the churches in town.  The first time I went, it completely changed my life.  I have been more touched and made more friends through these experiences than I ever imagined.  Everyone in my family has been at least once.  I am excited that this year I will be sharing the experience with someone new!  My friend (and KD pledge mom, aot) will be coming with my dad and I this year :)  I love going with people on their first trip and seeing what the experience means to them. 
Here are some of my favorite pictures from trips past:
Three years ago when I was traveling with my mom I met Edwin.  He was the most shy, adorable little 2 year old boy.  So, we decided to "adopt" him, like when you sponsor a child.  The last two years when I've gone back I have been so surprised out how much he has come out of his shell.  Now, he is quite the lady's man for being only four.  He calls me "madrina", which means godmother.  I love him very much!  And you can't tell me that you have ever seen anyone who is cuter...

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