Friday, December 28, 2012

... and a Happy New Year!

Hope everyone had a wonderful, merry Christmas.  The last big celebration of the Holiday season is quickly approaching, NEW YEARS EVE.  I still need to get a dress for the big New Years party.  But, I have made treats for the evening.  These are super easy, and super good!  We call them Oreo Balls

1 pack of oreos
1 bar of cream cheese
1 pack of melting chocolate/ almond bark

Step 1. crush oreos
Step 2. mix with cream cheese
Step 3. roll into balls
Step 4. dip balls into melted chocolate
Step 5. drizzle with white chocolate
Step 6. package into pretty container

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

Today was the first snow of the year (finally).  Shiloh has seen snow before, but I forgot how much she loves it.  Since it barely snowed at all last year, she was only a pup the last time white covered the ground.  We went out and played for a while.  And, of course, I took way too many pictures. Here are a few :)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas Break: week 1

What a busy week it has been.  If this week has been any indication of how Christmas break is going to go, then I am in for a wild ride.  I started this week off with finals.  To celebrate the end of the semester we went out to Harpo's for some quarter beers on Tuesday!
Since it would be silly to give the watress a quarter every time we wanted a beer, we just gave her a five and got a tray :)
Holly                        Me
What a great way to celebrate with my nursing friend!  We are soooo close.  Only:
                             One more semester
                                                    Two more clinicals
                                                                         Four more classes
                                                                                              One Capstone
                      One very, very scary state boards test standing between us and being RN's!!!
I am very proud to announce that this week was also Jordan's graduation from Northwest Missouri State University.  It is weird to think that he will never sit through another class, never take another test (or have to call David to take it for him).  I know he will miss Maryville, but I know we will have just as much fun- no, even more fun now that he is done. (i LOVE this picture)
We ended the week with a party to celebrate Jordan's accomplishment.  It was quite the high school reunion, and 90's music jam session.  Holly and I really enjoyed listening to No Scrubs- in our scrubs :)

Friday, December 7, 2012

i love first fridays


I love first Friday!!! Kansas city has some great vintage/repurpose stores located in the old warehouses downtown, but they are only open the first full weekend of the month.
 It's times like these when I wish I knew how to recover furniture (add it to the to do list).
Today I dragged Jordan along to all the boutiques in search of great finds.  And boy did I find one!
I was drawn to this gorgeous, gigantic frame right when I walked in.  After shopping around for a while I kept going back to it. (that's how you know if you really love something)  And so, I bought it :)  When I got it there was nothing in the frame, so I dropped it off at a local glass store.  They are going to put a mirror in the center.  I love the color (this picture looks pretty teal, it's actually more green than it looks here--in case you haven't hear, the color for 2013 is emerald!)  But, I can't decide if I want to keep the color, strip it, or repaint it.  Any suggestions?

Thursday, December 6, 2012

a pinterest christmas

My house is decked out for the holidays!  We usually put up the same decorations every year, but this year we have turned to Pinterest for some new decorating ideas.  These projects were very easy.
My mom saw this idea on pinterest.  Rather than leave our pot sit empty all winter, she filled it with the branches cut off the bottom of our christmas tree.  It needed some color, so we bought some berries and that cool gold piece from Hobby Lobby.
This gold bow was originally a christmas tree topper.  Our front door wreath was lacking a little drama.  We trimmed down the length of the bow and attached it to the top of the wreath.  It really makes it pop!
This was my favorite project: 
I found this picture on pinterest:
 My version <3 (looks really great on the wall)
happy Christmas crafting everyone!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

meet me

I used to go to school at the University of Missouri,
where I was a Kappa Delta <3

for the past 3 years I have been playing volleyball at Avila University
Now I am in my LAST year of nursing school.  I can't wait to be done.  I love the career I have chosen; it is the perfect fit for me :)
Gerontology class:  learning what it is like to grow old
(it was as fun as it looks, in case you were wondering)
Thanks for reading.
Hopefully you will stay with me as I continue my journey to become a Registered Nurse!


Monday, December 3, 2012

The countdown is on...!!

6 months from now I will be graduating from college.  (scary)  What to do with my life...
I guess nursing is a good place to start-- but,
where should I work?
where should I live?
So many questions, so little time.
But hey, for now it is Christmas break and time to celebrate with friends.

The real world is coming soon.