Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas Break: week 1

What a busy week it has been.  If this week has been any indication of how Christmas break is going to go, then I am in for a wild ride.  I started this week off with finals.  To celebrate the end of the semester we went out to Harpo's for some quarter beers on Tuesday!
Since it would be silly to give the watress a quarter every time we wanted a beer, we just gave her a five and got a tray :)
Holly                        Me
What a great way to celebrate with my nursing friend!  We are soooo close.  Only:
                             One more semester
                                                    Two more clinicals
                                                                         Four more classes
                                                                                              One Capstone
                      One very, very scary state boards test standing between us and being RN's!!!
I am very proud to announce that this week was also Jordan's graduation from Northwest Missouri State University.  It is weird to think that he will never sit through another class, never take another test (or have to call David to take it for him).  I know he will miss Maryville, but I know we will have just as much fun- no, even more fun now that he is done. (i LOVE this picture)
We ended the week with a party to celebrate Jordan's accomplishment.  It was quite the high school reunion, and 90's music jam session.  Holly and I really enjoyed listening to No Scrubs- in our scrubs :)

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